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Fantasy Football Power Rankings Markdown Generator

· 3 min read
Scottie Enriquez
Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services


spr is a CLI tool for generating Markdown pages in the league Gatsby site for power rankings posts with Sleeper data injected. The source code is hosted on GitHub.

Build Status

Azure Pipelines

Installation and Dependencies

Clone the repository, install NPM dependencies, and create a symlink in the global folder.

git clone
cd power-rankings-markdown-cli
npm install
npm link
spr --version

The CLI source code doesn't store any secrets, so ensure that the AWS CLI is installed and that the credentials are configured at ~/.aws/credentials.


If not, run aws configure.


Navigate to the root folder of the league's Gatsby site, and run spr add <WEEK_NUMBER> <AUTHOR_FIRST_NAME>. The alias for add is a. Open the generated file in the newly created directory (<FIRST_NAME>-week-<WEEK_NUMBER>-power-rankings/) to enter the power rankings text for the new post.


  • Validates the week number and author first name
  • Checks the current Git branch to ensure that the user has created a non-main branch
  • Verifies that the present working directory contains a Gatsby configuration file to standardize the relative paths
  • Fetches the league members and rosters from the Sleeper API
  • Fetches the current avatar for each league member and copies to a CDN hosted in AWS
  • Generates Markdown power rankings with the member's latest stats neatly formatted
  • Creates a new directory for the post in the Gatsby website and writes the file


The league-specific details exist in various JavaScript configuration files to maximize reusability. While the CLI is tightly-coupled with Gatsby, there's still much that can be reconfigured for other leagues.

const gatsby = {
// used to determine if the user created a new branch
mainBranchName: "master",
// used to determine if the user is in the root Gatsby directory
configFileName: "gatsby-config.js",
// used to support any changes to the default blog path for vanity URLs
postPath: "/content/blog/posts",
// used to defer image styling for the avatar to the Gatsby site
avatarHTMLClass: "sleeper-avatar",
const awsConfig = {
// S3 bucket
bucketName: "twiath-site-cdn",
// URL base to be used for source in <img> tag
cdnURLBase: "",
const league = {
// Sleeper league ID number
id: "541384381865115648",
const authors = {
Scottie: "Scottie Enriquez",
Callen: "Callen Trail",
Logan: "Logan Richardson",
Carl: "Carl Meziere",
Andrew: "Andrew Carlough",
John: "John Yarrow",
Matt: "Matt Kniowski",
Chris: "Chris Ramsey",
Caleb: "Caleb Trantow",
Travis: "Travis James",
Trond: "Trond Liu",
Mark: "Mark Hamilton",
const weeks = {
0: "zero",
1: "one",
2: "two",
3: "three",
4: "four",
5: "five",
6: "six",
7: "seven",
8: "eight",
9: "nine",
10: "ten",
11: "eleven",
12: "twelve",
13: "thirteen",
14: "fourteen",
15: "fifteen",
16: "sixteen",
17: "seventeen",